2018年3月22日 星期四

生活英語|訂飲料外送怎麼說? http://ift.tt/2HV70bY 希平方 給你的實用生活英語,想要訂飲料外送該怎麼說?趕快學起來,下次就可以俐落點餐啦! 上班總是提不起勁,這時候來團購手搖飲料,保證讓你精神百倍上天堂! 今天要用「訂飲料」這個生活化主題,來教大家超多實用的單字和句型,讓你在令人缺氧的辦公室裡,還能為大腦補一點養分喔!趕快繼續往下看吧!(推薦閱讀:救救菜英文!十個超常見卻超容易念錯的英文單字) A: We are going to order drinks from Milkshop this afternoon. Do you want to order something? B: Sure! ________. (A) I want (B) I join (C) Count me in (D) Let me in 解答翻譯 正解:(C) A: We are going to order drinks from Milkshop this afternoon. Do you want to order something? (這個下午我們要訂迷克夏飲料外送。你有想要點些什麼嗎?) B: Sure! Count me in. (當然!算我一份。) 答案詳解 (A) I want 要簡短地回答「我想要做某事」,會是 I want to (do something),絕對不會只有 I want 喔。 (B) I join Join 當「參加、加入」的意思時,後面通常會有受詞,表示加入哪個團體,例如 join a club(加入社團)、join the company(加入該公司)等等,很少會回答 I join。 (C) Count me in Count 是「數、算數」的意思,也有「把...算在內」的意思。再舉個例子:Did you count Cathy in? She said she wants to come with us to the travel fair as well. (你有把 Cathy 算進來嗎?她說她也想要和我們一起去旅遊展。) (D) Let me in Let 是「讓、允許」的意思,那 Let me in 就是「讓我進去」。有人故意把門反鎖不讓你進去時,你就可以朝裡面大喊 Let me in! 最後再加碼送大家一些「訂飲料外送」相關的情境句,可以邊訂飲料邊烙英文喔! 情境一 A: Let’s order drinks this afternoon! I can call in our order. (這個下午我們來訂飲料吧!我可以打電話去訂。) B: Sounds great! Which drink shop are we going to order from? (聽起來很讚!我們要訂哪間飲料店呢?) 情境二 A: What’s the minimum order required for delivery? (外送的最低訂購要求是什麼?) B: Our order needs to be over 300 dollars, so we need around five to six people ordering together. (我們的訂單要超過三百元,所以我們需要大約五到六個人一起訂。) 情境三 A: Bad news! The drink shop isn’t offering taro milk at the moment. Is there anything else you want to drink? (壞消息!飲料店目前沒有提供芋頭牛奶。有任何其他你想要喝的嗎?) B: Oh no! I love that drink. I’ll have “milk with brown sugar boba” this time. (喔不!我超愛那個飲料的。那這次我訂「黑糖波霸牛奶」好了。) 情境四 A: When will our drinks arrive? (我們的飲料何時會到?) B: Our drinks will arrive by four o’clock. (我們的飲料四點前會到。) March 22, 2018 at 04:30PM 女人迷 womany

via 女人迷 womany http://ift.tt/2HV70bY

